Amigas Punto Com (APC) is a 501©3 non-profit organization established in 2005 by a group of friends to provide Latino women a safe place to connect with other women and receive emotional and spiritual support during challenging and life altering situations caused by loss or adversity.
In 2008, TNT (Transformando Nuestra Tierra -Spanish for Transforming our Land) was created to serve the youth in our community.
What We Do
We empower and equip Latino women, youth, and their families through ongoing comprehensive weekly programs and coordinated services focused on abuse prevention, self-restoration, and emotional strengthening.
APC is a place where women can find refuge, security, trust, and the strength to transform their life, their family, and; ultimately, their community.
Educate, equip, and empower women and youth with tools to help them overcome adversity, set healthy boundaries,
and restore their worth and self-esteem.

Letter from the President
I think all of us have heard someone say: “There is light at the end of the tunnel.” Have you experienced it?
The founders of Amigas Punto Com went trough very traumatic experiences which we thought would never end. Today, I can tell you that we saw light at the end of the tunnel. Going through the death of a child, divorce, one of your children running away from home or in prison are everyday issues but situations you cannot deal with easily. You need a team, friends and support. In 2005, after several years of prayer and brainstorming, we took a leap of faith and created Amigas Punto Com. We realized that the reason we had been able to overcome our personal circumstances was that we had a support group. Our desire was to make this resource available to as many women as we could; but later, realized that the whole family needed support. Amigas Punto Com, started as a support group for women, but has grown to be a support group not only for women and their family, but for the whole community. Our dream became a reality and we continue to grow. Amigas Punto Com provides the tools to help women and their families overcome adversity, set healthy boundaries, and restore their worth and self steem. After their own personal process, they will discover their potential to fullfil the purpose for which they were created.
Vivian Nieto