Gloria Vázquez
Gloria is originally from Mexico City. She studied High School at Teresa de Avila Institute in México City. She worked as a bilingual executive secretary in important companies in Mexico such as Hylsa and Dinámica S. A. de C. V. both of these belonging to: Grupo Alfa among others. Gloria studied and earned a degree in Biblical Counseling at Christ for the Nations in Dallas, Texas. She worked as a bilingual secretary and interpreter at Christ for the Nations and at U. S. Probation Office, Dallas, Texas Division.
Gloria and her husband collaborated in different community programs in Mexico City and created a youth leadership model. For 10 years they had a youth group of 800 students or more weekly. During that time they trained a number of youth leaders and traveled worldwide sharing their experience with youth leadership.
After the death of her daughters and her husband, Gloria wrote a total of three published books: “La Neta del Planeta de los Jóvenes”, “La Cuna Vacía” and “Dónde Está Dios Cuando Más Lo Necesito” In addition to writing in collaboration with other authors in different books, magazines and columns.
Currently Gloria works as a Certified Interpreter. She is one of the founders of Amigas Punto Com and director of the youth group TNT Transformando Nuestra Tierra, which stands for: Transforming Our Land. She is the guest speaker in countless events worldwide and participates in weekly radio and television programs.